Go onboarding

While transitioning to Go from PHP, Javascript or other languages, you will likely run into code quality issues.

This is often a result of (mis)applying practices from the previous language to Go code.

Left unchecked, the issues will pile up and cause bugs, missed deadlines, unhappy customers and frustrated developers.

The solution

The solution is to apply Go-specific best practices, concepts and idioms.

Unfortunately, according to the 2024 survey learning these practices is the second most common challenge among Go developers.

Acquiring this knowledge will take valuable time and effort. Time and effort that could be spend developing features that impact the bottom line.

Smoothing the transition

While I do my research for this website I see the exact questions asked by new Go developers and the challenges they encounter.

These range from technical details:

To the bigger picture:

  • Is Go a good fit for my use-case?
  • How much time will it take for me to be productive in Go?

This research, combined with 6+ years of Go experience has given me a deep understanding of these challenges.

Let me help you make your transition to Go as smooth as possible by giving actionable advice, doing code reviews and having regular mentoring sessions.

Discover what I can do for you in a free 30 minute call

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"Looking forward to meeting you and making your project a success."

- Willem Schots